{Published in Business Times Newspaper 1-7 May 2015} Trace TV aired the Airtel Trace Music Star Grand Finale on
Saturday April 18th and I’ve never seen such drama and tension in
singing competitions before. Priceless! But the purpose of this article isn’t
to talk about how the competition went, I’m sure you can follow that up on
YouTube. In this article I want to spill the beans on HOW Mayunga beat all
these other contestants from all over Africa hands down, to walk away with the
prize. It wasn’t pot luck. It wasn’t
JUST talent. And it certainly didn’t happen by accident. Do you want to know
what went down? Read on!
While training Mayunga for the Kenya Grand Finale, he
mentions… “The Ugandan singer is so good; and the Nigerian girl is amazing.” I
could see he was a little uneasy. And I said to him, “I’ve watched videos of
ALL the winners from the rest of Africa, and you know what? YOU have something
they ALL don’t have. You have the training.” And I went on to say, confidently,
“YOU are going to win this competition!” Well, he didn’t believe me then, but he
does now.

I decided to compile a special combination of sixteen vocal exercises that lasted exactly forty two minutes. In the first segment, the voice got a gradual warm-up that then lead on to an intensive vocal agility workout and concluded with a very specific vocal mix exercise. All of which I compiled especially to help him navigate One Day In Your Life with precision, pitch accuracy and control reminiscent of the King of pop Michael Jackson. I will hand this to Mayunga, HE really works hard. On the last day in training he left my studio at 22 minutes past midnight and he was flying out to Nairobi at mid day. I remember him say, “and people think singing is easy?” I simply quipped “well that’s what they think, but now you know what it takes to sing to an international level!” So in essence, and let this be a lesson to all of you, if you want to learn to sing, you have got to put everything you’ve got into honing your craft. I’ve come across way too many people who are so casual about this, it’s annoying. Mayunga is SO refreshing and a joy to work with because he WANTS to do this in earnest. And he brought home the trophy because he put EVERYTHING he had into this AND followed my instructions to the letter. That’s what it took. Watch Mayunga in training Part 1 to 4 here, and Part 5 to 9 here.
Thanks for dropping by my blog, and please share!
Vocal Coach/Private Singing Lessons
So so proud of Joett and Mayunga, I concur to the letter, it aint easy and now I can see why he won...;)