Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Question of Breathing: How to Synch that to Singing

If you’re experiencing difficulty in synchronizing your breathing to your singing, then you will likely be running short of breath when you sing and delivering a considerable number of flat notes in the process, not to mention, hurting your throat as well… due to insufficient air to keep your vocal afloat. Let’s look at it this way. When you go about your day doing other things and perhaps even talking to people, do you ever need to THINK of the breathing process? I’m sure you don’t. Because your system does it itself!  Why then should you have to struggle to breath to sing? This article will aim to help you understand better, how to allow your body to do what it has to do to supply your vocal chords with just the right amount of air to enable you to sing better, with no impediments whatsoever.

The more you struggle to breathe when you sing, the more you’ll want to give up on singing altogether. And that’s because it becomes a hassle for you. But don’t you give up just yet. I’m going to show you a couple of very simple steps to help you get into the rhythm of breathing to sing. Yes, there is a rhythmic pattern to synch in your breathing to the beat. You’re going to be amazed to discover just how simple and effective it is for you.

Some experts say that until you learn to visualize your notes, you’ll always struggle to get in synch with breathing. So, first try to visualize your lyrics in an assembly line divided up into breathing slots. Print out your lyrics and mark the breathing segments with a red pen (it stands out better). The idea is, when you sing your song, wherever you see the red pen you breathe. But before you do, let me show you how to get into the rhythm of breathing to sing.

Clap your hands repeatedly at a reasonable pace, breathing in to the count of four and immediately blowing out the breath to the count of four; and then repeating that again without stopping. Do this several times. Once you’re in the rhythm, pick up the lyrics and sing. By now you will have noticed how much easier it is to breathe in synch with the song and the rhythm. If you’ve struggled with breathing when you sing and really want to get your breathing in order, then this will be exactly what you need to do to fix the problem.

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You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons
BUY Online Singing Lessons Course

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Jifunze Kuimba: Tatizo La Pumzi na Jinsi Ya Kulitatua

Kama unatatizo la pumzi wakati unaimba—yaani unakwenda ukiishiwa mpaka koo linabana, basi unahitaji kujipanga na mazoezi ya pumzi ili uweze kukabiliana na hilo tatizo.

Ningependa kukanusha kitu kimoja. Mazoezi ya kukimbia, kubeba vyuma na kuogelea havitatui swala la uhaba wa pumzi katika kuimba. Havihusiani kabisa. Sasa nataka nikuonyeshe jinsi ya kutatua tatizo lako la kupumua ili uweze kuimba kwa urahisi.

Anza kupiga makofi kwa mwendo wa kawaida huku ukiingiza pumzi mdomoni hadi inajaza tumbo lako… kwa kufungua mdomo taratibu kama unapiga miayo (inakupa pumzi zaidi). Unavopiga makofi, kichwani uwe unahesabu. Pumzi ndani hadi unafika makofi manne, alafu hapo hapo toa pumzi kwa kupuliza hadi makofi manne; alafu rudia tena bila kusimama. Fanya hata mizunguko kumi na zaidi kabla ya kusimama. Tafadhali zingatia maelekezo hapo juu. Usikurupuke.

Shairi unaloimba hakikisha limeandikwa au limechapishwa na liko mbele yako. Kila sehemu za kuvuta pumizi, weka alama na kalamu nyekundu. Hiyo itasaidia kukujengea tabia ya kuimba na kupumua katika sehemu hizo ulizowekea alama… kwa wimbo huo.

Unaweza ku-download zoezi la pumzi hapa! Ingiza pumzi kwa ukimya, ili usisikie baridi inapita kooni. (Mfano wangu unasikika kwanguvu kwasababu ya kipaza sauti).

Natumaini umefaidika na maelezo hapo juu. Kama utakua na maswali yeyote, tafadhali andika hapo chini alafu nitakujibu ili na watu wengine pia waone suluhu la maswala ya pumzi.

JIUNGE na YouTube Channel Yangu Leo. Bofya hapa!

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"

Selling On the Phone? The Secret to Delivering a Killer Sales Pitch

If you employ salespersons whom you want to sell your goods and services over the phone—or to simply make the appointments with your prospects so you can meet them to pitch your business, then you’ll be surprised to discover that it isn’t as simple as it may seem. Quite a bit of potential trade could be slipping through your fingers with that first clumsy call.

Now imagine how many more deals or appointments you’ll likely clinch with the perfect sales pitch, delivered in such a way that you get more YES responses? This article will aim to talk you through the process of refining your voice and sales script for better results.

I’ve received the nonstarter type phone call many a time, and I’m sure at some point, so have you. Not only do some of those calls sound sloppy, oftentimes the caller’s voice doesn’t sound like what you’d want to listen to for any length of time. Can you relate to this?

Well, let’s see how you can reinvent your sales script and most importantly, how you can rebalance your voice to give it the edge that sells.

A good telephone script needs to contain the following very simple ingredients. You’ll first and foremost need to work a standard greeting into your script. Now, how that is delivered will either get you through or have you bumped off the call. So make sure you breathe; stay calm; and deliver your greeting with better control. Your next step is to make sure you are speaking to the right person, OR getting connected to the person you want to speak with. Getting through the gatekeepers can be a little hectic, but if you play your cards right, they’ll let you through. The next thing I want to discuss is your telephone script.

Do away with the fluff. Most people are too busy to listen to a long meandering sales pitch. It could’ve worked in yesteryear, but this day and age I’d be hard pressed to find someone who will be so accommodating of your ‘intrusion’ into their busy day. So, scaling down your script to focus only on the most important elements of your call; what you have to offer; and HOW that can benefit their business, will suffice. And then you drop your ‘call for action’ at the tail end of your script, and that should generate back a yes or a no answer.

However, no-matter how good your script is, your voice is another matter that needs addressing. When you sound great over the phone, you basically quadruple your chances of selling over the phone. So let’s take a look at what you can do to rebalance your voice for bigger results.

As a vocal coach, I would advise that you do specific vocal exercises to help rebalance your voice, so that you sound clearer, more powerful and more articulate when you speak. Training the corporate voice to function as it should, can take as little as 20 minutes a day and you’re pretty much done. With the help of a tutor or prerecorded tape tailored to you, you’ll need to do the scales on piano to rebalance your voice. That is the secret to delivering a killer sales pitch.

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You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons
BUY Online Singing Lessons Course

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Jifunze Kuimba: Umuhimu wa Kuelewa Madhumuni Ya Mazoezi

Kabla sijaanza, ningependa kuwafahamisha yakwamba Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vol. 1 ipo Mkito. Ni mazoezi maalum ya sauti ambayo nimeyaandaa kwa ajili yenu.

Mazoezi ya sauiti sio kuenda sehemu za wazi au Coco Beach kupiga makelele, bali ni mazoezi stahiki ya kukuza kipaji chako cha kuimba.

Mwalimu wa sauti kama mimi, ni mtu anae ielewa hii fani kwa kina, na jinsi matumizi ya sauti kwenye swala la kuimba na hata kuongea, yanavostahili kua.

Kwa ufupi: mtu yeyote anaekuambia upige makelele au uimbie puani kujifunza kuimba, atakua anakudanganya tu. Ukitaka kujua hasara za kupiga makelele maeneo ya wazi, soma Kujifunza Kuimba Kwa Kupiga Makelele Hakusaidii Lolote.

Sasa nataka nitoe maelekezo, ili uweze kuelewa kujifunza kuimba maana yake nini haswa, na vile vile ningependa uelewe kwa kina zaidi nini chakufanya ili uweze kupata mafanikio na sauti yako.

1. Mazoezi ya kuimba hufanyika na kinanda kwa mazoezi yajulikanayo kwa neno la Kiingereza, kama scales. Lakini ufanisi wake kwa kuzingatia maelekezo ndio unaoweza kukuletea wewe mafanikio.

2. La msingi nikwamba tunajaribu kuunganisha sauti yako ya kifua (yaani chest voice) na sauti yako ya kichwa (yaani head voice) kwa kupitia sauti ya kati (yaani blend)… ile sehemu ambayo sauti hizo mbili zinakutana, bila ya kuhusisha kabisa misuli ya nje ya koromelo au kwa lugha ya Kiingereza, voice box au larynx. Hiyo misuli inapoingilia katika utengenezaji  wa sauti, ndipo unaona mtu mishipa inamsimama; anapiga kelele; koo inauma; sauti inakauka; na hafiki popote.

3. Ili kufanikisha hili zoezi la kujifunza kuimba, sikiliza mifano ambayo nimepandisha kwenye Facebook yangu kwa ku bofya hapa. Lakini, hakikisha unaelewa kinachotendeka kwa kutega sikio tu na kusikiliza kwa umakini. Sikia jinsi ninavofundisha, na maelekezo ninayo yatoa kwa wanafunzi wangu. Usijaribu kufanya mazoezi na video hizi. Unaweza ukapotea vibaya. Nimezipandisha video YouTube ili kuwasaidia mmpate uelewa zaidi kuhusu swala la mazoezi ya kuimba. Kama ungependa kufanya mazoezi, soma lifuatalo hapa chini.

4. Ukishapata uelewa, unaweza ku-download Zoezi La Pumzi ambalo utafanya kabla ya kuanza Joett Vocal Drills Vol. 1 na kuendelea. Download mazoezi yangu

5. Kumbuka, haya mazoezi niliyopandisha yatakupa msingi mzuri na kukuwezesha kuanza kujifunza kuimba popote pale ulipo bila ya kuhudhuria madarasa yangu studio. Kama ungependa kujiendeleza zaidi, basi mafunzo ya ana-kwa-ana ndani ya studio yangu ndio mpango mzima. Nimeandaa program za aina nyingi. Kuna za masaa 10, masaa 3, lisaa limoja na vile vile mazoezi ya kuimba kwa njia ya simu kwa dakika ishirini tu. Tafadhali wasiliana na mimi kama utahitaji mojawapo ya huduma hizo.

Natumaini umefaidika na maelezo hapo juu. Kama utakua na maswali yeyote, tafadhali nijulishe. 

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro!

Vocal Coach
Madarasa ya Studio

Friday, September 16, 2016

Vocal Training: How to Get Through the Bad Days

I bet you didn’t see this coming. Yes, there are the good and the bad days with vocal training. It isn’t always smooth sailing. When you’re not feeling up to it, your performance will drop and you’ll probably feel like quitting. But before you decide to throw in the towel on a bad day, here are a couple of handy tips to help you stay on track.

Some days your vocal will be so spot on and hitting all the notes nice and easy, and on such days you’ll actually feel a sensation whilst training that almost feels so unique, it’s like you’re discovering segments of your voice you didn’t quite know existed. Well, that’s your good day in training, as it were, when you actually want to keep going because it feels SO good. But what about the bad days, when you feel some tension coming on around the throat—which is SO not done—and you’re not hitting the notes like you would on a good vocal training day? Let’s see how best you can stay motivated.

By and large, a vocal training session would ideally last an hour. But I personally like to do my own sessions (yes, I do train every day) in 22 minutes flat. And I have a special reason for this. My own vocal training sessions are rather intense and cover an array of vocal workouts in a very short space of time, because when I’m training others, for the most part, I would be vocalizing anyway. So for me, having to allot a full hour to my own session would be quite literally, overkill. And thanks to my shortened vocal training workout time, I do look forward to my own sessions because I know it’ll all be over in 22 minutes… and surely, I am able to spare that amount of time for training. No quibble.
And here’s how my personal experience sets precedence in motivating you to keep training, even on a bad day.

If you’re training in my studio on a bad day, I have ways to keep you on track for the full hour. Hence, the following tip is specifically aimed at those vocal training from home. You may have numerous vocal workout tapes already, some lasting an hour or more shall we say. My advice is you find the exercises you normally enjoy doing and only do those. Plan to shorten your training time to do as little as possible, but try not to train for under 15 minutes. That’s all there is to it. A sure fire way to get you through vocal training on a bad day. I suppose what’s most important is that you do not give in to those bad days. The more you skip training, the more you’ll tend to continue putting off your training for another day. It’s human nature. So stay focused, and don’t let the bad days derail your vocal training schedule.

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You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons
BUY Online Singing Lessons Course

Thursday, September 8, 2016

How to quickly Mend the Bridges in Your Vocal Range

If your voice tends to crack in places within your range, then you’ve got some bridges to mend. And there is no single way to fix this, I find. With some people it happens naturally as they do the scales. No discussion. But with the not-so-talented, as it were, it isn’t all that simple. It takes some work to get their vocals where they should be. In this article I want to offer a couple of tips on how to mend the bridges in your range.

Singing is great fun, but to sing like a pro takes a bit of work. The reason we go through vocal training is to ensure the voice gets to where it should be—and that’s a well connected tone throughout your range with no cracks and breaks along the way. Most speech level singing vocal workouts, done in varying directions, will correct and rebalance your voice quite nicely. However, there are some vocal workouts that work better than others. And so I want to show you a less traditional vocal exercise that will likely streamline your vocal to navigate your entire range as you scale, without the cracks, breaks and recruiting (pulling up the chest voice), but using the heavier side of the pitch effortlessly.

If you’ve been reading my articles, listening to my tapes and watching my videos, you will have come across the lip rolls, tongue trills and humming… which are the easiest ways to train the voice on the scales. However, believe it or not, not everybody can do these correctly. And so if you’re aiming to mend bridges with the aforementioned, you may well be falling flat on your notes. But there is another way. So let’s take a look.

Try doing some scales with a simple “zzzz”. I know, it sounds a little radical but trust me, it works. So run your scales with “zzzz” but ensuring that you are completely relaxed. Focus more on scaling the notes in key rather than the volume… because your volume will sound lower than normal. So don’t even think about that because it is not important. Only make sure you’re in key and that you remain relaxed the higher you go. When you get a little more proficient with this, try throwing in a vowel, so that now you’re going “zee” all the way up and down the scales. Now, if you’re doing this correctly, you’ll find that your bridges are mending and that you’re breaking through the barriers that previously prevented you from singing with a more balanced and connected tone.

You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons
BUY Online Singing Lessons Course