Saturday, December 31, 2016

Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vocal Drills Volume 4

Volume 4 ndio toleo la mwisho katika awamu hii mpya ya Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Mkito. Fuata maelekezo. Panapokupa taabu, tafadhali niulize nikupe muongozo. Download Vol. 4 hapa!

Ukishaweza hili zoezi la takriban dakika 10, sasa utakua unamazoezi ya sauti Vol. 1, 2, 3 & 4 katika ratiba yako ya kujifunza kuimba. Kwahivyo, kilamara unapo kaa kufanya mazoezi yote haya kwa pamoja, unapaswa kufanya zoezi la pumzi kabla ya Vol. 1 alafu kuendelea na mazoezi ya Vol. 2, 3 & 4 bila ya kusimama. Jumla ya muda wa mazoezi ukiunganisha hizi Volume zote 4 ni dakika 30.

Kumbuka, madhumuni ya haya mazoezi ni ku re-balance sauti yako, au kurekebisha matumizi ya sauti yako ili uweze kuimba kwa urahisi kwenda juu na kwenda chini; na mpangilio na ratiba hii ndio itaweza kukupa wewe huo uwezo kwa njia ya haraka na salama zaidi. Tafadhali usianze kukurupuka na ku-download vitu olela kwenye internet. Tafadhali fuata maelekezo yangu na mazoezi niliokuandalia ili uweze kupata mafanikio ya uhakika.

Nilicho kifanya hapa nikujaribu kuwezesha watanzania wote popote walipo, kupata mafunzo stahiki ya sauti bila ya gharama ya kuhudhuria mafunzo ya sauti darasani pamoja na mimi. Maelekezo na mazoezi haya ni nyeti kwa kukuwezesha kufikia malengo yako. Sikiliza. Tenda. Utapata faida kubwa sana kwenye swala la kuimba. Amini hilo!

RATIBA YA TOLEO Vol. 4, 5, 6 & 7

Joett Vocal Drills Vol. 4 OUT 3.01.2017
Joett Color Me Beautiful Drills Vol. 5 OUT  17.01.2017
Joett Color Me Beautiful Drills Vol. 6 OUT  31.01.2017
Joett Color Me Beautiful w/B Track Vol. 7 OUT 14.02.2017
Joett - Color Me Beautiful (Acoustic Pop)  OUT 28.02.2017

Muongozo wa Mazoezi

Download Mazoezi
Weka kwenye CD au Flash Disk
Tumia chombo cha muziki cha kupigia CD/Flash au kama unatumia simu yako ya mkononi, hakikisha unaunganisha na speaker kupata sauti kubwa kulingana na sauti yako ukiimba.
Fanya mazoezi ndani ya chumba na sio kwenye maeneo ya wazi, wala sio kwa kutumia simu yako ya mkononi na headset zake masikioni.

Na vile vile unaweza kupata maelekezo zaidi kwa kubofya nakala kadhaa nilizo andika hapa chini. Ukiwa na maswali, tafadhali jisikie huru kuniuliza. Ni muhimu sana kuelewa, na sio kufanya vitu kwa hisia bila muongozo panapo stahili. Tafuta ushauri!

Jifunze Kuimba: Umuhimu wa Kuelewa Madhumuni Ya Mazoezi
Jifunze Kuimba: Tatizo La Pumzi na Jinsi Ya Kulitatua
Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vol. 1: Madhumuni ya Lip Rolls
Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vocal Drills Volume 2
Volume 1, 2 & 3 Jifunze Kuimba na Joett

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro! Nawatakia mafanikio mema!

Vocal Coach
YouTube Channel
Madarasa ya Studio

Friday, December 30, 2016

Applying Vocal Training to Song Is What to Expect in Vol. 5, 6 & 7

Perhaps the most challenging part in voice training is to actually apply the technique you develop in training, to performing in a song!  

It may sound unfathomable of sorts, but I have experienced this on far too many occasions with many of my pupils to know that when it comes to singing, applying your training to songs doesn’t always come automatically.

In some cases I would still have to show you how to use your own voice in a song. But there is some light at the end of this tunnel, which I’ll want to share with you in this article.

In my all new vocal training product currently downloadable on, Volume 5, 6 & 7 (coming soon) are all about applying your voice to segments of my acoustically reworked song Color Me Beautiful in Volumes 5 & 6; and ultimately the entire song with full backing guitar track in Vol. 7.

Bizarrely, the idea to do this came about when I was rehearsing the acoustic version for Color Me Beautiful in preparation for a studio recording session. And so my guitarist and I went over the riffs I was planning on recording for training purposes, and when we hit the studio, after we’d completed recording the song, we began to record and piece together the training modules for Vol. 5 & 6. (Volume 7 is simply the full vocal track plus the backing track running back to back).

So, that’s pretty much how I developed the product you are about to enjoy and draw inspiration and direction from. This article gives you a bit of insight, as it were, which I hope will keep you motivated and have you looking forward to a pretty exciting learning curve coming your way really soon.

If you haven't as yet downloaded Joett Vocal Drills Vol. 1 to 4... Click Here!

SUBSCRIBE to My YouTube Channel TODAY... Click Here!

You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons
Download Joett Vocal Drills 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

4 Easy Vocal Training Volumes to Download from for Quick and Effective Vocal Rebalancing & Conditioning Exercises

After piloting on WhatsApp and publishing helpful articles on my blog; and sharing audio training exercises uploaded to my Hulkshare page for about a year or so, I was able to gauge the amount of interest that this e-Learning concept was generating not only in Tanzania but also across Africa.

And so I made a decision to get in on it with everything I’ve got, by creating a high quality product in Kiswahili that can be downloaded from high-traffic music platform Note: to view Mkito in English, please select English located Top Right on site. 

In this article I shall talk you through Volumes 1, 2, 3 & 4… the preparatory phase of this e-Learning vocal training product.

I have created brand new training programs, tailored specifically to learning online, by the way in which I’ve set-up the scales to rebalance and address vocal issues across the board. We’ve been rolling out one volume every fortnight, so to speak, in order to ease people into the program in a more step-by-step fashion. So basically, this training program kicks off with the Breathing Exercise; and onto Volume 1, 2, 3 and ultimately Volume 4 is to be released in the New Year. The purpose of these 4 programs, which run from between 5 and 10 minutes each, is to rebalance and to condition your voice with the lip rolls, tongue trills and some consonant and vowel combinations in straight nonstop sets.

The simplicity of it is what really makes this course unprecedented, in that every vocal workout I have created rebalances your lower register before taking you up. There’s something quite ingenious about this training method, in that it eases you into the correct speech level posture and then helps you maintain that into your higher register. You’ll soon realize the benefits when you get on the program. Click here to get started!

If you aspire for success with vocal training, you’ll want to have a regular training schedule of at least 3 sessions per week. And it isn’t a tall order at all. Why? Because when you run the 4 volumes through (including the breathing), you’ll clock around 30 minutes of training. Anybody, no-matter how lazy or despondent they are, can manage that.

Now, here’s what to expect in Vol. 5, 6 & 7 

To help you apply your training to actually singing those beautiful songs, you’ll be given segments of the brand new acoustic version of my 2012 70s disco single Color Me Beautiful, and you will learn to sing it to my acoustic guitar backing tracks segment by segment; and eventually—in Vol. 7, you’ll have the entire song and acoustic backing track to sing to.

Download with Swahili instruction: Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vol. 1, 2, 3 & 4.

NOTE: My instruction voice overs run for just a couple of minutes in Kiswahili, however, the exercises are universal. That being said, for those of you that don't speak the language, what I say on tape is simply to introduce the training volume and to give a demonstration on how to do the lip rolls and tongue trills (easy to figure out). I also advise you to train at least 3 times a week, beginning with the breathing and onto the scales volume by volume in that particular order. The rest of the tapes contain the exercises. Listen to the examples and run with it!

SUBSCRIBE to My YouTube Channel TODAY... Click Here!

You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons
Download Joett Vocal Drills 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Volume 1, 2 & 3 Jifunze Kuimba na Joett

Je, ungependa kujifunza kuimba  kwa dhati? Basi suluhu ni kufanya mazoezi ya sauti kama nilivyowaandalia na kuwapandishia Hadi sasa Volume 1, 2 & 3 zimepanda Mkito. Bado kuna Vol.  4, 5, 6 & 7 zinakuja.

Mii / Mia / Nay kwenye Volume 2 ni mwanzo wa kuanza kuunganisha irabu katika mazoezi yako ya sauti. Ukishakua mzoefu katika hilo, unaweza kufanya irabu moja moja na scale hizo hizo kwa kufanya AAA pekeyake, au EEEE pekeyake, IIII pekeyake, UUUU pekeyake, OOO pekeyake. Ukiona sauti inaingia kooni, wacha papo hapo. Jua unakosea. Endelea na lip rolls, tongue trills, MII, MIA na NAY mpaka sauti yako ikae sawa.

Lakini jua kwamba kila toleo ni muendelezo wa toleo liliopita. Utaratibu wa mazoezi mpaka toleo hili la 3 upo kama ifuatavo:

1. Pumzi
2. Volume 1
3. Volume 2
4. Volume 3

Na sasa nikupe muongozo wa Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vocal Drills Volume 3

Mazoezi ya Vocal Drills Volume 3 ni muendelezo wa Vol. 2. Kwa mara nyingine tena, fuata maelekezo. Kama unayo maswali ama kuna kitu kinakushinda, tafadhali uliza. Nitaweza kukupa ushauri. Lakini cha msingi nikufuata maelekezo na kufanya mazoezi stahiki kama nilivowaandalia hapa. Download Volume 3 hapa!

Ukishaweza haya mazoezi ambayo muda wake ni takriban dakika 5, unatakiwa kuunganisha Pumzi, Vol. 1, 2 & 3 katika ratiba yako ya mazoezi ya sauti ya kila siku.

Na vile vile unaweza kupata maelekezo zaidi kwa kubofya nakala kadhaa nilizo andika hapa chini. Ukiwa na maswali, tafadhali jisikie huru kuniuliza. Ni muhimu sana kuelewa, na sio kufanya vitu kwa hisia bila muongozo panapo stahili. Tafuta ushauri!

Jifunze Kuimba: Umuhimu wa Kuelewa Madhumuni Ya Mazoezi
Jifunze Kuimba: Tatizo La Pumzi na Jinsi Ya Kulitatua
Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vol. 1: Madhumuni ya Lip Rolls
Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vocal Drills Volume 2

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro!

Vocal Coach
YouTube Channel
FaceBook Videos

Monday, December 19, 2016

Joett - Color Me Beautiful (Lyrics)

You make the world a better place
Your love is divine, straight down the line
Take me away from what I know
Onto a better place
There in your arms
Your love is divine, straight down the line

Cos you know that I’m addicted to love
Cos you know that I’m addicted to love
So color me beautiful
Color me blind

The color of love
Is roses and wine
And yours in particular, is so divine
I know your love will never end
It’s gonna be there till the end
You make the world a better place
Your love is divine, straight down the line

Cos you know that I’m addicted to love
Cos you know that I’m addicted to love
So color me beautiful
Color me blind

Cos you know that I’m addicted to love
[Just like the earth needs the rain]
Cos you know that I’m addicted to love
[I’ll never stop needing you]
So color me beautiful
[Yes you’re invisible, One of a kind]
Color me blind
[But sure I can feel your tender touch]

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Justin Bieber: A Sneaky Peaky into the Light, Smoky and Warm Tone

In a recent chat with one of my pupils who ALWAYS selects Justin Bieber songs to sing, I asked… are you a Belieber? And she rather emphatically said… NO! Well, this article is not specifically for the Bilieber but it does make an interesting read overall. And so without further ado, let’s take a closer look at the Bieber vocal that continues to mesmerize the world.

His range is said to be A2 - C#5 - F5, and his vocal type is Light-Lyric Tenor (2 octaves, 4 notes and a semitone). Oh, and his vocal rating, according to critics of music, is a C-List.

Justin Bieber’s positive attributes are a light, smoky and warm tone throughout each register. His voice has been described as agile and capable of melismas and seamless transitions from chest voice to falsetto, which makes him intrinsically a very confident vocalist.

Bieber also tends to use his lower register sparingly, choosing to opt for softer passages as opposed to ones that require more projection. However, he has shown the capacity to project down to B2. And as he ascends, his voice tends to gain a much lighter and warmer texture, whilst still maintaining that same ole smoky texture evident in his lower register. He exhibits significant ease in the tenor tessitura, showing almost no effort at all on notes up to F4. And refreshingly, his light head voice mix brings up his chest voice to B4 in the song Love Yourself.

Notably, his light and sweet falsetto has been gaining endurance over time, as his head voice takes on a rather light and slightly feminine edge.

According to some critics of music, Justin Bieber’s negative vocal picture is described as—overall, having lack of power and resonance, becoming nasally and whiny above E4. They also suggest the lower register is breathy, and that upper belts are also forced in some instances as well. And here’s something else. His melismas and runs they say lack musicality, often breaking from what is reasonable for the music, and that his intonation is inconsistent in live settings, citing that his G#2 is way too forced and the Bb5 is not him. Phew! Quite a lot said there already, don’t you think? Now here are a couple of recommended Justin Bieber tracks to listen to: As Long As You Love Me, Love Yourself.

JOETT -- Author: "Letters from a Vocal Coach"

Monday, December 12, 2016

Beyoncé: A Quick Glimpse into Her Astounding Vocal Range

Described as a vocal acrobat for being able to sing in key, long and complex melismas and vocal runs effortlessly, Beyoncé’s range is F#2 - G#5 - F6 (D7), and her vocal type is Coloratura Mezzo-Soprano (4 Octaves).

She delivers excellent trills that are achieved with no breaks. Her breath control allows her to dance while singing without sounding tired. Her grunts and growls are achieved without damaging technique. Beyoncé is no doubt, a great staccato singer.

She can hold notes of up to 14 seconds for extended periods with or without vibrato, and without wavering in pitch. The vibrato is well controlled, and gives the 3rd lung illusion. Her dynamic control is excellent and her crescendos are perfect. They don't get loud too fast or too slow.

Beyoncé is also able to flip through each register effortlessly, and maintains agility to every note. Her lower notes are slightly smokey, and extend well into the 2nd octave. Her belts are well supported, mixable, and maintain a bright and powerful ring up to Eb5. The head voice is thick and operatic.

And now looking at the negatives—according to some critics of music, Beyoncé’s upper belts can be perceived as shouting, and can also sound shrill without vibrato in early years. The voice loses some clarity in lower notes in live settings, while Beyoncé has become reliant on growling her upper belts recently. Her lack of unique tone leads some to brand her as "boring," though this characteristic is subjective. Recommended Listening: I Care, Halo, Dangerously in Love.

I hope you enjoyed this interesting piece on Beyoncé’s ASTOUNDING  vocal range.

JOETT -- Author: "Letters from a Vocal Coach"

Any Texts

Saturday, December 10, 2016

70s Disco "Color Me Beautiful" by Joett Goes Acoustic Ambient

First released in 2012, my 70s disco track Color Me Beautiful caught the attention of A&R at Sony BMG, Universal, Capitol Records, Columbia and Jive in the USA; for album placement consideration with artists on their labels at the time.

In recent weeks, however, that same song has undergone somewhat of a metamorphosis with a complete reworking to an ambient acoustic setting, with myself on vocal and the exceptionally talented Elisha Sukari on acoustic guitar.

This acoustic track was recorded, mixed and mastered by Sarthak Tale at Wanene Studios, a brand new state-of-the-art recording outfit in Dar es salaam.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my guitarist Elisha and sound engineer Sarthak, as well as the management at Wanene for their warmth and kindness, and for an excellent job done. They've put everything they've got into this project, and for that I shall be eternally grateful for their incredible team work on the reinvention of perhaps one of the best songs I've ever written, Color Me Beautiful.

Please have a listen... and then kindly share on your social media.

With thanks,


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vocal Drills Volume 2

Volume 2 ni muendelezo wa Vol. 1. Kwa maana ni lazima ufanye Vol. 1 kabla haujafanya Vol. 2. Kwa mara nyingine tena, nita sistiza mfuate maelekezo kama yalivo kwenye toleo hili. 

Mazoezi haya yana dakika 7. Ukishaweza kufanya haya mazoezi, sasa utakua na mazoezi mawili. Yaani Vol. 1 & 2 katika ratiba yako ya mazoezi ya sauti ya kila siku; na utatakiwa kufanya yote kwa pamoja kufuata mlolongo huo huo wa Vol. 1 kuingia Vol. 2.

Kumbuka, madhumuni ya haya mazoezi ni ku re-balance sauti yako, au kurekebisha matumizi ya sauti yako ili uweze kuimba kwa urahisi kwenda juu na kwenda chini; na mpangilio na ratiba hii ndio itaweza kukupa wewe huo uwezo kwa njia ya haraka na salama zaidi. Tafadhali usianze kukurupuka na ku-download vitu olela kwenye internet. Tafadhali fuata maelekezo yangu na mazoezi niliokuandalia ili uweze kupata mafanikio ya uhakika. Download Volume 2 hapa!

Na vile vile unaweza kupata maelekezo zaidi kwa kubofya nakala kadhaa nilizo andika hapa chini. Ukiwa na maswali, tafadhali jisikie huru kuniuliza. Ni muhimu sana kuelewa, na sio kufanya vitu kwa hisia bila muongozo panapo stahili. Tafuta ushauri!

Jifunze Kuimba: Umuhimu wa Kuelewa Madhumuni Ya Mazoezi
Jifunze Kuimba: Tatizo La Pumzi na Jinsi Ya Kulitatua
Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vol. 1: Madhumuni ya Lip Rolls

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro!

Vocal Coach
YouTube Channel

Friday, December 2, 2016

Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Darasani na Online: Muongozo na Utaratibu

Kwanza kabisa, mimi ninafundisha siku 4 tu kwa wiki… Jumatatu, Jumanne, Jumatano na Jumamosi. Na pia ninafundisha mtu mmoja mmoja tu kila lisaa kwa kufuata ratiba iliopangwa maalum.

Program Zangu za Mafunzo ya Sauti  ndani ya studio yangu katika mfumo wa Speech Level Singing Comprehensive Courses zipo kama ifuatavyo: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4... na kila programu ni ya masaa 10. (Yaani, kila utakapokuja darasani utafanya mazoezi kwa lisaa limoja tu).

Programu zifuatazo ni za vipindi vifupi, tafadhali soma ufafanuzi na maelekezo kama iyafuatayo.

Quick Start Program

Program ya Quick Start ni ya maandalizi, kukuwezesha wewe kujiendeleza na mazoezi ya sauti mwenyewe nyumbani. Program hii ni ya masaa 3 tu kiujumla.

Program hii inaweza kukusaidia, kwa mfano, kama ume download Joett Vocal Drills kutoka na ungependa nikuweke sawa, madarasa haya matatu ya lisaa lisaa ndani ya studio yangu, yatakuwezesha kuinua kiwango chako cha uimbaji na kujiendeleza nyumbani kwa kutumia prerecorded program zangu..

Vocals Quick Fix Africa

Kwa wale ambao wanajiandaa kwenda kurekodi studio au wanajiandaa kwenda kupiga show, na vile vile kwa wale ambao wanataka tu kuweka sauti sawa kwa haraka Vocals Quick Fix Africa ndio jawabu halisi. Kipindi cha mazoezi ni masaa manne kwa lisaa limoja kwa siku. Kama unaenda kurekodi studio, ni vema ile siku ya kurekodi, basi zoezi lako la nne liwe siku hiyo unayoelekea studio. 

1 Hour Vocal Training Session 

Darasa la lisaa limoja tu kwa wale ambao wameshapitia msingi mzuri katika madarasa yangu ya ana kwa ana; na vile vile kwa wale wanaojifunza kupitia programu zangu za Jifunze Kuimba Na Joett Vocal Drills zinazopatikana

Darasa hilo limoja limoja linaweza kua kama nyongeza au "brush-up" ya mara kwa mara katika kujifunza kwako kuimba.


Kabla haujaanza mafunzo ya ana kwa ana, nakukaribisha uje studio kwa dakika 30 tu niskie sauti yako, na vile vile nikupitishe kwenye mazoezi kadhaa kwenye kinanda ili niijue sauti yako na changamoto zako za kurekebisha. 

Huduma hii inatolewa kwa wale wenye nia ya kuchukua program yangu ya muda mrefu. Yaani ile ya masaa 10.

Hua nafanya assessments—yaani tathmini ya sauti, kwa wanafunzi wanaotaka kujiunga na madarasa yangu ya masaa 10—Jumatatu hadi Jumamosi kwa nusu saa bila gharama yeyote--ni bure, lakini kwa mihadi maalum ya muda wa assessment. Ili kupata nafasi ya assessment, tafadhali wasiliana na mimi kwa njia ya simu au kupitia WhatsApp.


Jifunze kwa urahisi na kwa gharama nafuu ya Shs 250 tu (kwa mp3 download moja), kwa ku-download program zangu nilizoandaa na kupandisha kwa ajili yako.

Kupitia mfumo huu, nimeboresha mazoezi maalum ya sauti kwa kufuata mahitaji muhimu katika kujifunza kuimba kupitia mtandao. Ili kuingia katika mstari stahiki wa mafunzo ambao bila shaka, utakuletea mafanikio ya haraka, ni vyema kuanza safari yako ya kujifunza kuimba hapa.


Kupata maelekezo kamili ya matumizi ya hizi prerecorded program zangu tafadhali soma makala yangu "Msaada wa Mafunzo ya Sauti na JOETT WhatsApp na Telegram."

Hii video imetengenzwa na Mkito na inatoa maelekezo jinsi ya 
ku-download mp3 kutoka Mkito kwa ku login na akaunti yako ya Google. 

Na vile vile unaweza kupata maelekezo zaidi kwa kubofya makala kadhaa nilizo andika hapa chini. Ukiwa na maswali, tafadhali jisikie huru kuniuliza. Ni muhimu sana kuelewa, na sio kufanya vitu kwa hisia bila muongozo panapo stahili. Tafuta ushauri!

Makala Muhimu Kusoma 

Msaada wa Mafunzo ya Sauti na JOETT WhatsApp na Telegram
Soma Nakala Nyeti za Mazoezi na Maelekezo ya Uimbaji Bora
Jifunze Kuimba: Umuhimu wa Kuelewa Madhumuni Ya Mazoezi

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro!

Vocal Coach 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Discover The Incredible Vocal Range and Profile of Ariana Grande

This article will explore the incredible vocal range and profile of Ariana Grande. For your reading delight, I thought to publish a compilation of some rather interesting observations from critics of music, that highlight enlightening elements on the Vocal Range of Ariana Grande. I’m sure you will enjoy this!

With a light-lyric Soprano in the 4 octave range and a note, Ariana Grande’s vocal rating is said to be an A-List. Recommended listening in this regard therefore, are her songs Emotions and The Way. I think it is safe to consider Ariana as a vocal actress, being able to mimic the tones and voices of Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera and Celine Dion. Her lower register, however, is  often weak and inconsistent, due to—according to one critic—her high tessitura and breath support issues, yet she is relatively strong for a soprano, supporting down to F#3 and extending to D3.

She achieves her belts, as it were, through mixing, stretched up to Bb5's successfully. Grande also has no issue staying in the soprano tessitura for extended periods of time. If you watch her live performances of Break Free, Dangerous Woman and Focus you’ll get the picture. She has an extensive belting register as a whole and reaches up to an impressive B5, capable of complex, fast melismas as clearly evident in Hands on Me and Problem. She also has a rolling vibrato that can be heard in belts up to G#5 and as low as Bb3.

Her falsetto area is light and sweet, and is also where Ariana’s voice finds its ring, as it were, with a bright and healthy tone up to Eb6.

Ariana Grande’s whistle tone is undoubtedly piercing, and her whistles don't have disconnected tones attached to them. If you listen to her song Emotions, you’ll note that she is able to sing vocal runs in this register.

As you’d probably be well aware, there are no positives without the negatives. Of her own admission, her mixed belts generally lack power and the whistle register is not controlled. Her slightly nasal and feminine tone is also polarizing. Her diction, noted in 2013 as being unpolished, left her lyrics incomprehensible at points as you’ll see in the bridge of Break Free, and this is mainly due to tongue tension. Another thing about Grande, according to a music critic, is that she also over activates muscles in her jaw – mostly while singing runs – thereby furthering this tongue tension, which in turn changes the positioning of the larynx. That being said, again, according to a music critic, intonation live has proven to be a problem at points (around 2013), and the lower register sounded unsupported in most instances. Her support—it has been said, is also inconsistent, ranging from around G3-C#5. Above C#5 she raises her larynx.

I hope you enjoyed this interesting piece on Ariana Grande's AMAZING vocal range.

JOETT -- Author: "Letters from a Vocal Coach"

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vol. 1: Madhumuni ya Lip Rolls

Kwenye mazoezi ya Joett Vocal Drills Vol. 1 utakutana na Lip Rolls na Tongue Trills. Zote nimeelekeza jinsi ya kufanya na kutoa mifano kwenye mp3 kabla ya kuanza mazoezi hayo.

Hapa ningependa tu kutoa maelekezo kuhusu malengo ya haya mazoezi mawili.

Kwa ufupi, yana ondoa tabia ya kuimbia kooni. Unapofanya haya mazoezi misuli ilioko nje ya koromelo lako haishtuki na kukaza. Hapo basi sauti inapata urahisi wakutembea kwenda juu na chini bila ya shiriksho hilo la misuli ya kooni katika utengenezaji wa sauti.

Ukizoea hili zoezi, baada ya muda, hii tabia ya utulivu wa misuli ya nje ya koromelo lako linakufuata katika kuimba nyimbo. Kama unashindwa kufanya Lip Rolls au Tongue Trills, jaribu kufanya mazoezi haya kwa kutamka “Mmm” badala yake (yaani humming).

Muongozo wa Mazoezi

  • Download mazoezi
  • Weka kwenye CD au Flash Disk
  • Tumia chombo cha muziki cha kupigia CD/Flash au kama unatumia simu yako ya mkononi, hakikisha unaunganisha na speaker kupata sauti kubwa kulingana na sauti yako ukiimba. 
  • Fanya mazoezi ndani ya chumba na sio kwenye maeneo ya wazi, wala sio kwa kutumia simu yako ya mkononi na headset zake masikioni. 
  • Ku-Download PDF yenye maelekezo ya Volume 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bofya hapa!
  • Kusoma Press Release bofya hapa!

Ukiwa na maswali, jiskie huru kuniuliza, au soma nakala kadhaa nilizo andika:
Jifunze Kuimba: Umuhimu wa Kuelewa Madhumuni Ya Mazoezi
Jifunze Kuimba: Tatizo La Pumzi na Jinsi Ya Kulitatua

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro!

Vocal Coach
Madarasa ya Studio

Understand the Importance of Focusing Your Tone

Singing is SO much fun. I’ve seen the joy that it brings to people. When their faces light up! Electrified and overwhelmed with joy when they’re hitting those notes nice and clean. It makes me feel like a miracle worker of sorts. Bringing so much joy to so many people couldn’t be more rewarding than this. What I want to talk about today is the importance of focusing your tone. You see, at the end of the day you’re going to be singing songs, and every word you project out of your mouth needs focus. So here’s your ‘quick tips’ article on how to maintain focus in tone production.

I love using the narrow vowels in training. They help focus the voice. Something like UIU is particularly good for narrowing down that focus to precisely what you want—focus. And a quick three tone scale is definitely one of the best for maintaining that tightness and focus as you scale your notes, however, with practice you can achieve the same results with longer five and even seven tone scales. Let’s take a look at the progression into more open type vowels and how best you can handle, or trick yourself into handling such vowels.

I love the open EEE vowel. When you’ve mastered the narrower vowels as above, it is quite easy to still maintain that focus with a more open vowel such as this without splatting—or losing focus. The key thing is to learn to discover your own anatomy a bit more. When in training, you should experiment by making slight adjustments. You’ll learn to fine tune that focus that keeps your voice spinning in top form and articulating each note to calculated precision. Running with an EEE whilst allowing the right amount of space in your mouth to do that can go a really long way towards sharpening your focus. The same applies with an open vowel like AAA.  Now here’s the thing. If this transition isn’t working, then the best way is to apply the narrower vowel up the scale, and then switch to a wider vowel on the way down. You’ll be amazed how easy and fluid this is, and how it helps you hold the note in on the wider vowels.

So, whatever you do, work your way into the broader vowels by first sharpening the projection of your narrower vowel. You’ll be glad you did as you begin to discover your voice and what you can do with it a bit more. I have created a special four-volume training module that is now available on This brand new program will set the tone for focusing your notes as explained in this article.

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You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons
BUY Online Singing Lessons Course

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vocal Drills Volume 1

Kwa awamu nyingine tena, na tena safari hii kwa maboresho yalio fuata mahitaji muhimu katika kujifunza kuimba kupitia mtandao, ninawaletea toleo mpya kabisa Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Mkito Volume 1. Hili toleo ni muhimu katika kukuwezesha kuingia katika mstari wa mafunzo ambayo bila shaka, yatakuletea mafanikio ya haraka.

Kabla ya kuanza, hakikisha una download na kufanya zoezi langu la pumzi

Bila ya kuzungumza maneno mengi, nataka niwaachie toleo hili la kwanza (Vol. 1) msikilize mifano nakuendelea na mchanganyiko wa mazoezi ya sauti kwa takriban dakika 8. Mifano ipo. Nikusikiliza tu na kufuata hiyo mifano, na la msingi kabisa nikuachia sauti ifuate mkondo wake. Usilazimishe sauti. Iachie ifuate kinanda na maelekezo mwanana.

Muongozo wa Mazoezi

  • Download mazoezi
  • Weka kwenye CD au Flash Disk
  • Tumia chombo cha muziki cha kupigia CD/Flash au kama unatumia simu yako ya mkononi, hakikisha unaunganisha na speaker kupata sauti kubwa kulingana na sauti yako ukiimba. 
  • Fanya mazoezi ndani ya chumba na sio kwenye maeneo ya wazi, wala sio kwa kutumia simu yako ya mkononi na headset zake masikioni. 
  • Ku-Download PDF yenye maelekezo ya Volume 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bofya hapa!
  • Kusoma Press Release bofya hapa!

Ukiwa na maswali, jiskie huru kuniuliza, au soma nakala kadhaa nilizo andika:
Jifunze Kuimba: Umuhimu wa Kuelewa Madhumuni Ya Mazoezi
Jifunze Kuimba: Tatizo La Pumzi na Jinsi Ya Kulitatua
Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vol. 1: Madhumuni ya Lip Rolls

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro!

Vocal Coach
Madarasa ya Studio

Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Kupitia Yazinduliwa Rasmi

== PRESS RELEASE 24.11.2016 == Kwa mara ya kwanza kabisa, mtandao wa ku-download mziki wakitanzania, unajiunga na mwalimu mahiri wa sauti Tony Joett, kuwaletea watanzania huduma ya mafunzo ya sauti kwa wale ambao wangependa kujifunza kuimba kupitia mtandao na kwa gharama nafuu, nakupokea mafunzo yalio andaliwa kitaalamu kwa lugha ya Kiswahili na ambayo yataweletea mafanikio ya haraka na ya uhakika.

Joett ameandaa programu hizo za mafunzo ya sauti kwenye studio ya producer Lucci wa Transformax Records, ambae pamoja nae walikua majaji wa Airtel Trace Music Star Season 2 mwaka 2016. “Madhumuni ya kuandaa mazoezi haya maalum,” alisema Joett “nikuwawezesha watanzania kujifunza kuimba kwa urahisi, ili kutatua hili tatizo la vijana kuto jua pakugeukia kupata mafunzo haya ya kitaalamu na ambayo yanakuza vipaji kwa viwango vile vya kimataifa.”

Maandalizi ya programu hizi yamegawanywa katika volume ama toleo 4, ambazo toleo la kwanza ndio msingi; toleo la pili ni muendelezo; na toleo la 3 na la 4 zinaelekea kwenye viwango vya juu zaidi vya mafunzo ya kuimba, kwahivyo ili kupata mafanikio mwanafunzi atahitaji kuanzia tole la kwanza hadi kufikia la 4 na kwa mpangilio huo maalum, alafu hatimae kufanya mazoezi yote manne kwa pamoja. Kwa ujumula, mazoezi yote manne kwa pamoja yanachukua takriban dakika 30. Vile vile kuna zoezi stahiki la pumzi lililoandaliwa na Joett.

Watu wanaopenda kujifunza kuimba wataweza ku-download kila toleo kwa shilingi 250 tu, na kupata ushauri na muongozo kutoka kwa Joett kupitia na blog la

Joett ambae pia hutoa mafunzo ya sauti ya ana kwa ana katika studio yake jijini Dar es salaam, ni mwalimu alie bobea kwa kipindi kirefu na anao uzoefu na utaalamu katika fani ya kufundisha sauti. Mafunzo anayotoa Joett yanasaidia kurekebisha matumizi ya sauti ili kuondoa tatizo sugu la kuimbia kooni; kupiga makelele wakati wakuimba; kuumia kooni na kukauka kwa sauti; na hujenga uwezo wa sauti ya mwimbaji kwenda juu na kwenda chini kwa urahisi na bila ya maumivu wala mateso ya aina yeyote.

Download Joett Vocal Drills Vol. 1 kuanzia alhasiri ya tarehe 24.11.2016

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro!

Vocal Coach
Madarasa ya Studio

Friday, November 18, 2016

Taking Voice Lessons? How to Loosen Up A Little So As to Help You Tie It All In

For those of you currently taking voice lessons, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to loosen up. The less rigid and stiff you are in training, the easier it will be to ease yourself into the flow of singing with a lot more freedom than you’d ever imagined possible. I know for some of you this may sound a little farfetched, but believe me, I’ve seen visible signs of tension in my studio to even want to write about it to forewarn some of you facing a similar state of rigid limbo. In this article, I want to show you a couple of simple tips to help you release the tension when you’re vocal training from home without the presence of a vocal coach.

I’ve seen pupils tense up when they breathe to do the scales; I’ve seen them squeeze their tone instead of simply releasing it; I’ve seen them withholding their tone; I’ve experienced the shouting instead of them working up the scales… I’ve witnessed the lot!

When I’m with a pupil in my studio, no-matter what they throw at me, I’ll know how to rein them in so that I find them a clearer path to performing their exercises with good form. I am constantly tuned in to the inner workings of their voice while I’m training them. And so I will detect immediately when something isn’t right.

I’ve said this before. Everybody is different. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for the next individual trying to perform the vocal exercises. So here’s the quickest way to figure a way out of a vocal conundrum, as it were. First and foremost, you need to release your tone so you’re using your fuller voice. Inadvertently, getting this right will help you loosen up. If your tone is squeezed, withheld, breaking up and causing you any kind of discomfort, stop and change your exercise. Something as simple as replacing an open vowel like ‘AA’ with a narrow vowel like ‘EE’; OR opening your mouth a little wider for a narrow vowel, can make a world of difference. So, if it isn’t happening for you, try working with ONLY the exercises that deliver that fuller sound, and stick with them until your vocals are developed enough to revisit the exercises that were previously challenging.

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You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Why the Less You Think of the Theory and Technical Aspect of Singing, the Better off You Are

In this—my one hundredth, published article in Business Times Newspaper, I begin to realize how much information I have dispensed in my column. Michael Jackson’s longtime vocal coach… who trained The King of Pop for 36 years once said, ‘you can’t learn to sing from a book!’ And I agree with him completely. However, having said that, he went on to write a book—albeit ghostwritten whilst shadowed by the writer for a while—and the book, in my view, offers valuable technical details on singing, which I find very informative and extremely handy. The purpose of this article is not to reiterate the importance of knowing why we do certain things in training—which I tend to want to explain as I run my classes—although it doesn’t always stick. No-matter how many times I try to drum it into some of my pupils. Well, in this article I want to say, it doesn’t really matter.

Singing being a practical business, I would probably relegate the mechanics of singing to teachers to decipher, understand and use as part of their weaponry whence passing on this knowledge to you as a pupil. Maybe the last thing you want is to crowd your brain with all of the technicalities of learning to sing. If it gets too heavy for you, I fear you may well give up on the idea of learning to sing all together. And I wouldn’t want that for anyone. So let me reassure you that, if some of this information is a wee bit too much for you, you don’t have to cram it all in. Absorb what you can, and let the voice do the rest of the work for you.

Typically, we tend to forget that nobody ever really showed us how to use our voice at birth. The first thing a baby does when they’re born is scream, is it not? So we have it in us already. You don’t have to know HOW your vocal chords function; nor HOW exactly speech level posture works FOR you when you use your voice to sing. If you do specific vocal exercises to develop your range and pitch accuracy, for example, the voice WILL find its path AND take care of itself without any additional input from you. So in essence, do the training and just allow for the rest to happen. It’s that simple. I wouldn’t dare insist that you also know the technical details. In fact, the less you dwell on it, the better off you are and the quicker you’ll grow as a singer. In my next article, I want to address the importance of loosening up a little to help you tie it all in.

SUBSCRIBE to My YouTube Channel TODAY... Click Here!

You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"

Saturday, November 5, 2016

HMV Overtake Amazon in Physical Music Sales

Not only is HMV the ONLY store I go to for physical products--I guess I was so used to stepping into their London stores to buy records, now I buy online from the same store and the products are shipped to me in Tanzania. When they went into receivership three years ago, their online sales was discontinued. I was so gutted when this happened.

Well, not only are they back in business full swing now, it looks like they’re overtaking their competitors Amazon. Which reminds me: I’ll also be talking about the just revealed counterfeit products report regarding Amazon CDs.

According to an article published in Retail Gazette, HMV has reestablished itself in the physical entertainment market, overtaking Amazon to become the UK’s largest music retailer.

New data from Kantar Worldpanel has revealed that HMV, which went into administration just three years ago, has rebuilt its retail operation and is proving to rival the market leaders.

In the 12 weeks to September 25 HMV attracted 41,000 new customers and growing its share of the physical entertainment market by 3.1 per cent.

Big titles like the debut album from Christine and the Queens, which sold two thirds of its total copies in HMV, along with Adele’s 25 which sold 29 per cent of all copies in store, were responsible for the success of the retailer’s music department.

Read the full article on Retail Gazette!

And now for that sneaky report on Amazon: As much as 23% of all CD's sold on Amazon are counterfeit, according to multiple investigations.  We first reported on the problem two weeks ago after an alert was sent out by indie music trade group A2IM.

Two weeks ago the The Association of Independent Music has issued a strong warning regarding a "serious counterfeit operation selling large numbers of CDs" using Amazon’s FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) system.

Read the full article on

Well, that's your lot from the world of music from my end. I hope it helps you make an informed decision as to which store you buy from the next time you're on the market for CDs.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How to Resolve the Top 3 Vocal Issues

In my article A Quick Checklist to Resolving Vocal Problems, I took a closer look at how to quickly resolve your vocal problems by process of eliminating the usual suspects one by one, to get to the root of the problem. Today, I want to focus a bit more on individual vocal issues you would be experiencing and how to perfect the correction of these problems in training.

How you breathe is how you sing.

The same ‘yawn’ action to suck in the breath during your breathing exercise is the exact same way to breathe in time for each note. It takes perfecting though, if you want to get it absolutely right.

I would advise that you don’t put a time limit to learning this one. It’s an acquired skill. You’ll only get it right when you try to understand your own natural reflexes to breathing and to try and adapt that to this particular breathing technique, to get the desired results. In other words, a natural flow of breath sucked into your abdominal area and pumped out methodically to form and to hold those beautiful notes.

I love working with vowels, but here’s a word of caution. Don’t touch these until you have mastered lip rolls, humming, the single narrow vowels and the consonant and vowel combinations.


Because this approach will help you develop an evenly connected tone up and down your range. Once your voice is well developed, only then should you proceed with working with the vowels. And this doesn’t mean you stop the above all together. Certainly not! The vowels should only be an addition to your other exercises. It’ll help you hold in those notes and ensure that your vocals don’t fall apart.

Singing from the throat is the biggest menace of them all. Now, rebalancing the voice with the above exercises is the key to eliminating this problem. And here’s the thing. When you pick a song to sing, it is imperative that you allow your new voice to come through. The last thing you’ll want to do is to suppress your new, flexible voice by reverting to your old ways. And if it isn’t happening, here’s a quick fix: hum the song you want to sing several times—literally, and then return to the lyrics. Chances are you’ll sing like a bird! And if in doubt, browse this blog. I’ve written over a hundred articles on vocal training. They’ll likely trigger something you’d somewhat forgotten.

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You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons
BUY Online Singing Lessons Course

Saturday, October 22, 2016

A Quick Checklist to Resolving Vocal Problems

If you’re having issues with the delivery of your notes—assuming you’ve had some form of vocal training—there’s always a way to get to the bottom of what’s causing the problems you’re experiencing. It comes in really handy when you know how to eliminate all probabilities from a list of the usual suspects. This article takes a closer look at how to quickly resolve your vocal problems by process of elimination. So let’s get started.

The flat and unconnected notes are pretty commonplace. The way to fix this is to examine your breath intakes. Are you breathing well enough? Do you have enough breath to hold the note, or are you simply running on empty and expecting to fly? You’ll be amazed how inadequate breath can mess up your vocal.

The vowels are routinely ignored by many. Look at your face in the mirror as you sing and ask yourself this: are your AAs and EEs open enough. If your mouth is practically shut, don’t be surprised when your notes crack and fall apart. Are your IIs, OOs and UUs focused enough in the way your lips shape to articulate these vowels. If not, get focused and you’ll sound a whole lot better.

Are you sounding throaty? Well, simply put, are you putting all the weight on your throat when navigating your range, instead of working with the scales as per your training? This may come as a complete surprise to you, but I have pupils who, despite the training in speech level singing, they still forget to apply their training to singing a song. So in case you’re sounding crap, be sure to listen to yourself and—especially, pay attention to your throat. If it’s meddling with your sound production, go back to doing the scales to correct that. 

SUBSCRIBE to My YouTube Channel TODAY... Click Here!

You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"

Any Texts

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Open Day with Joett: The One Hour Saturday Slots Explained

I created a one hour, once off vocal training opportunity for those of you who are not my regular in-studio pupils; and for those who are learning via my WhatsApp training program. Let me expalin how this works.

On occasion, I will float one hour slots on a Saturday, and I will take bookings for only ONE student for the allotted 1 hour sessions. What you need to do when my announcements go out, is to book the slot you want by letting me know your preference.

Once I confirm the booking, you may pay Tshs 31,000 via Tigo Pesa to Joett Ltd (See poster for number) to secure your reservation.

SUBSCRIBE to My YouTube Channel TODAY... Click Here!

You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons
BUY Online Singing Lessons Course

Any Texts

Do You Want Your High Notes Solid and Easy? Here's How to Nail It!

If you’re struggling with the high notes, in that they’re weak and you’re not actually hitting the highs and clean lows like you should, then I want to quickly help you find the path to solid and easy high notes. As I was mentioning to a pupil a little earlier, that when it comes to vocal training, sometimes it takes a while for the penny to drop. In other words, for pupils to GET what this is all about. But once you’re in the picture, it’s dead easy to follow the plan that brings about the results that you want.

The vocal training approach that develops your chest to head voice connection into solid notes wherever you are in your range, is speech level singing technique.

But there’s a bit of a misconception with this at times, and a lot of errors committed during unsupervised training that if they go unchecked, will likely do you more harm than good. Especially when you don’t actually understand what it is you should be experiencing while you train, so that you are in perfect alignment to build your range in both directions.

There is no point in doing the exercises blindly and incorrectly. When you know something isn’t right, stop and try again.

But here’s the main thing: always aim for good form in training—and most importantly, you must allow the voice to travel. It has a path, just release your tone and hold nothing back. And don’t try to manipulate the sound in any way… because it will invite for the participation of your outer larynx muscles, thereby bringing about the vocal strain and lack of range you don’t want.

So, if you truly desire a bigger and better voice, with all of those high and solid notes made easy… so the listener and yourself get to enjoy your singing, focus on getting your training right. For recommended vocal training MP3 downloads, be sure to read my Vocal Training Product Review for Home Learning.

SUBSCRIBE to My YouTube Channel TODAY... Click Here!

You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons
Vocal Training Product Review

Any Texts

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Skope Magazine to Feature "Got U On My Mind" by Joett

My 2015 penned song Got U On My Mind (Acoustic version) has been selected to be featured on Skope Magazine and radio, a music site with over two million readers seeking hot new music and videos to feature. All selected songs and videos are featured for one month and are viewed by millions of music lovers from all over the world.

Headquartered in Boston, MA, USA and with readers and staff from all over the globe, was launched in April, 2001 to expose great music, videos, time-sensitive articles, contests, news, artist biographies, event calendars, and sound clips. As the magazine grew, there was such interest from both indies and major labels that the staff was able to cover both levels across various genres.

In the beginning it was never considered that the industry would embrace Skope in the manner that it did, but Skope benefited from having major label artists next to indie bands and the result was a tremendous readership that still thrives until today.

This is a great opportunity for the acoustic version of my song Got U On My Mind to get exposed to a massive global readership. I am thrilled and grateful to Music Clout, with whom I host my entire song catalog, for connecting me to Skope Magazine. Always plugging my song catalog to record labels and music publishers for placement, I feel tremendously blessed that this is yet another milestone in my musical journey as a songwriter and composer.

Joett Music Publishing

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Jifunze Kuimba: Irabu - Msingi wa Uimbaji Bora, Sio Ngoma Za Asili

Kila neno tunalo tamka na kuimba lina irabu au baadhi ya irabu (A E I O U), na ndio chanzo cha matatizo makubwa kwenye swala la kuimba.

Nilikua ninamshauri mwanafunzi wangu mmoja juzi kati, kuhusu chanzo cha watanzania ama waafrika kwa ujumla, kupiga makele wakiimba. Nikamwambia hivi: “ukisikiliza watu wanaimba kwenye ngoma za kienyeji unasikia kitu gani? Unasikia makelele.” Je, kunauwezekano tume rithi hilo? Sijui, lakini kiukweli dalili zipo.

Ngoma zenyewe kinachopigwa ni ngoma tupu na labda vyombo vingine vya asili, lakini vyombo hivyo havina “scale” yaani chord za kupanda na kushuka ili kutengeneza melody zinazoleta utamu na ladha katika uimbaji. Kwahivyo basi, umuhimu wa kuimba kufuatana na muziki unakua haupo. Matakoe yake, watu wanaimba kwa kupiga makelele mwanzo hadi mwisho.

Kwenye muziki ambao unatumia vyombo vya kisasa, sauti ya binaadamu pia inatakiwa kuowana na ule muziki. Ili kubadili huo mfumo wa kuimba kwa kupiga kelele (au kooni) basi, inabidi kubadili jinsi unavotumia sauti yako, kwa kufanya mazoezi maalum ya sauti ya kukuwezesha wewe kwenda na wakati na kukua kimuziki... kama muimbaji.

Kwa mifano ya mazoezi stahiki ya sauti (yaani scales), JIUNGE na Facebook Yangu Leo. Bofya hapa!

Na kupata muongozo wa jinsi ya kuanza mazoezi haya kufuatana na uwezo wako wewe binafsi (kila mtu anauwezo tofauti), tafadhali wasiliana na mimi.

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Question of Breathing: How to Synch that to Singing

If you’re experiencing difficulty in synchronizing your breathing to your singing, then you will likely be running short of breath when you sing and delivering a considerable number of flat notes in the process, not to mention, hurting your throat as well… due to insufficient air to keep your vocal afloat. Let’s look at it this way. When you go about your day doing other things and perhaps even talking to people, do you ever need to THINK of the breathing process? I’m sure you don’t. Because your system does it itself!  Why then should you have to struggle to breath to sing? This article will aim to help you understand better, how to allow your body to do what it has to do to supply your vocal chords with just the right amount of air to enable you to sing better, with no impediments whatsoever.

The more you struggle to breathe when you sing, the more you’ll want to give up on singing altogether. And that’s because it becomes a hassle for you. But don’t you give up just yet. I’m going to show you a couple of very simple steps to help you get into the rhythm of breathing to sing. Yes, there is a rhythmic pattern to synch in your breathing to the beat. You’re going to be amazed to discover just how simple and effective it is for you.

Some experts say that until you learn to visualize your notes, you’ll always struggle to get in synch with breathing. So, first try to visualize your lyrics in an assembly line divided up into breathing slots. Print out your lyrics and mark the breathing segments with a red pen (it stands out better). The idea is, when you sing your song, wherever you see the red pen you breathe. But before you do, let me show you how to get into the rhythm of breathing to sing.

Clap your hands repeatedly at a reasonable pace, breathing in to the count of four and immediately blowing out the breath to the count of four; and then repeating that again without stopping. Do this several times. Once you’re in the rhythm, pick up the lyrics and sing. By now you will have noticed how much easier it is to breathe in synch with the song and the rhythm. If you’ve struggled with breathing when you sing and really want to get your breathing in order, then this will be exactly what you need to do to fix the problem.

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You are the instrument, learn to sing like a pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
Private Singing Lessons
BUY Online Singing Lessons Course

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Jifunze Kuimba: Tatizo La Pumzi na Jinsi Ya Kulitatua

Kama unatatizo la pumzi wakati unaimba—yaani unakwenda ukiishiwa mpaka koo linabana, basi unahitaji kujipanga na mazoezi ya pumzi ili uweze kukabiliana na hilo tatizo.

Ningependa kukanusha kitu kimoja. Mazoezi ya kukimbia, kubeba vyuma na kuogelea havitatui swala la uhaba wa pumzi katika kuimba. Havihusiani kabisa. Sasa nataka nikuonyeshe jinsi ya kutatua tatizo lako la kupumua ili uweze kuimba kwa urahisi.

Anza kupiga makofi kwa mwendo wa kawaida huku ukiingiza pumzi mdomoni hadi inajaza tumbo lako… kwa kufungua mdomo taratibu kama unapiga miayo (inakupa pumzi zaidi). Unavopiga makofi, kichwani uwe unahesabu. Pumzi ndani hadi unafika makofi manne, alafu hapo hapo toa pumzi kwa kupuliza hadi makofi manne; alafu rudia tena bila kusimama. Fanya hata mizunguko kumi na zaidi kabla ya kusimama. Tafadhali zingatia maelekezo hapo juu. Usikurupuke.

Shairi unaloimba hakikisha limeandikwa au limechapishwa na liko mbele yako. Kila sehemu za kuvuta pumizi, weka alama na kalamu nyekundu. Hiyo itasaidia kukujengea tabia ya kuimba na kupumua katika sehemu hizo ulizowekea alama… kwa wimbo huo.

Unaweza ku-download zoezi la pumzi hapa! Ingiza pumzi kwa ukimya, ili usisikie baridi inapita kooni. (Mfano wangu unasikika kwanguvu kwasababu ya kipaza sauti).

Natumaini umefaidika na maelezo hapo juu. Kama utakua na maswali yeyote, tafadhali andika hapo chini alafu nitakujibu ili na watu wengine pia waone suluhu la maswala ya pumzi.

JIUNGE na YouTube Channel Yangu Leo. Bofya hapa!

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro!


Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"

Selling On the Phone? The Secret to Delivering a Killer Sales Pitch

If you employ salespersons whom you want to sell your goods and services over the phone—or to simply make the appointments with your prospects so you can meet them to pitch your business, then you’ll be surprised to discover that it isn’t as simple as it may seem. Quite a bit of potential trade could be slipping through your fingers with that first clumsy call.

Now imagine how many more deals or appointments you’ll likely clinch with the perfect sales pitch, delivered in such a way that you get more YES responses? This article will aim to talk you through the process of refining your voice and sales script for better results.

I’ve received the nonstarter type phone call many a time, and I’m sure at some point, so have you. Not only do some of those calls sound sloppy, oftentimes the caller’s voice doesn’t sound like what you’d want to listen to for any length of time. Can you relate to this?

Well, let’s see how you can reinvent your sales script and most importantly, how you can rebalance your voice to give it the edge that sells.

A good telephone script needs to contain the following very simple ingredients. You’ll first and foremost need to work a standard greeting into your script. Now, how that is delivered will either get you through or have you bumped off the call. So make sure you breathe; stay calm; and deliver your greeting with better control. Your next step is to make sure you are speaking to the right person, OR getting connected to the person you want to speak with. Getting through the gatekeepers can be a little hectic, but if you play your cards right, they’ll let you through. The next thing I want to discuss is your telephone script.

Do away with the fluff. Most people are too busy to listen to a long meandering sales pitch. It could’ve worked in yesteryear, but this day and age I’d be hard pressed to find someone who will be so accommodating of your ‘intrusion’ into their busy day. So, scaling down your script to focus only on the most important elements of your call; what you have to offer; and HOW that can benefit their business, will suffice. And then you drop your ‘call for action’ at the tail end of your script, and that should generate back a yes or a no answer.

However, no-matter how good your script is, your voice is another matter that needs addressing. When you sound great over the phone, you basically quadruple your chances of selling over the phone. So let’s take a look at what you can do to rebalance your voice for bigger results.

As a vocal coach, I would advise that you do specific vocal exercises to help rebalance your voice, so that you sound clearer, more powerful and more articulate when you speak. Training the corporate voice to function as it should, can take as little as 20 minutes a day and you’re pretty much done. With the help of a tutor or prerecorded tape tailored to you, you’ll need to do the scales on piano to rebalance your voice. That is the secret to delivering a killer sales pitch.

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Vocal Coach & Author "Letters from a Vocal Coach"
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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Jifunze Kuimba: Umuhimu wa Kuelewa Madhumuni Ya Mazoezi

Kabla sijaanza, ningependa kuwafahamisha yakwamba Jifunze Kuimba na Joett Vol. 1 ipo Mkito. Ni mazoezi maalum ya sauti ambayo nimeyaandaa kwa ajili yenu.

Mazoezi ya sauiti sio kuenda sehemu za wazi au Coco Beach kupiga makelele, bali ni mazoezi stahiki ya kukuza kipaji chako cha kuimba.

Mwalimu wa sauti kama mimi, ni mtu anae ielewa hii fani kwa kina, na jinsi matumizi ya sauti kwenye swala la kuimba na hata kuongea, yanavostahili kua.

Kwa ufupi: mtu yeyote anaekuambia upige makelele au uimbie puani kujifunza kuimba, atakua anakudanganya tu. Ukitaka kujua hasara za kupiga makelele maeneo ya wazi, soma Kujifunza Kuimba Kwa Kupiga Makelele Hakusaidii Lolote.

Sasa nataka nitoe maelekezo, ili uweze kuelewa kujifunza kuimba maana yake nini haswa, na vile vile ningependa uelewe kwa kina zaidi nini chakufanya ili uweze kupata mafanikio na sauti yako.

1. Mazoezi ya kuimba hufanyika na kinanda kwa mazoezi yajulikanayo kwa neno la Kiingereza, kama scales. Lakini ufanisi wake kwa kuzingatia maelekezo ndio unaoweza kukuletea wewe mafanikio.

2. La msingi nikwamba tunajaribu kuunganisha sauti yako ya kifua (yaani chest voice) na sauti yako ya kichwa (yaani head voice) kwa kupitia sauti ya kati (yaani blend)… ile sehemu ambayo sauti hizo mbili zinakutana, bila ya kuhusisha kabisa misuli ya nje ya koromelo au kwa lugha ya Kiingereza, voice box au larynx. Hiyo misuli inapoingilia katika utengenezaji  wa sauti, ndipo unaona mtu mishipa inamsimama; anapiga kelele; koo inauma; sauti inakauka; na hafiki popote.

3. Ili kufanikisha hili zoezi la kujifunza kuimba, sikiliza mifano ambayo nimepandisha kwenye Facebook yangu kwa ku bofya hapa. Lakini, hakikisha unaelewa kinachotendeka kwa kutega sikio tu na kusikiliza kwa umakini. Sikia jinsi ninavofundisha, na maelekezo ninayo yatoa kwa wanafunzi wangu. Usijaribu kufanya mazoezi na video hizi. Unaweza ukapotea vibaya. Nimezipandisha video YouTube ili kuwasaidia mmpate uelewa zaidi kuhusu swala la mazoezi ya kuimba. Kama ungependa kufanya mazoezi, soma lifuatalo hapa chini.

4. Ukishapata uelewa, unaweza ku-download Zoezi La Pumzi ambalo utafanya kabla ya kuanza Joett Vocal Drills Vol. 1 na kuendelea. Download mazoezi yangu

5. Kumbuka, haya mazoezi niliyopandisha yatakupa msingi mzuri na kukuwezesha kuanza kujifunza kuimba popote pale ulipo bila ya kuhudhuria madarasa yangu studio. Kama ungependa kujiendeleza zaidi, basi mafunzo ya ana-kwa-ana ndani ya studio yangu ndio mpango mzima. Nimeandaa program za aina nyingi. Kuna za masaa 10, masaa 3, lisaa limoja na vile vile mazoezi ya kuimba kwa njia ya simu kwa dakika ishirini tu. Tafadhali wasiliana na mimi kama utahitaji mojawapo ya huduma hizo.

Natumaini umefaidika na maelezo hapo juu. Kama utakua na maswali yeyote, tafadhali nijulishe. 

Wewe ndie chombo halisi, jifunze kuimba kama pro!

Vocal Coach
Madarasa ya Studio